It is finally here! The start of my stupid little series, “Comparing voice actors” where I bring out the worst (or the best) of our favorite Baldur’s Gate characters.

First up, Mark Meer and Jennifer Hale for Rasaad, Baeloth, Dynaheir, and Mazzy, respectfully, both known for voicing Commander Shepard from the Mass Effect series.

That’s the basic idea. I have a bunch in mind but if any of y’all want me to do your favorite BG character, just send me an ask!



For Blue, who has drawn my otp so much that the least I can do is to draw their’s. Thank you so much, I hope I drew them right! dancesonmoonlight

I SCREAMING AAHHHHHH! THANK YOU SO MUCH. You draw anomen’s hair so much better than i do =^= AND GWEN IS SO CUTE AHHHHHH. Thank you so much you seriously made my night!